For cables with metallic armour
Variation: difference between the medtan value after ageing and the median value without ageing, expressed as a percentage of the latter
The results shall be taken as reference values and noted for character nation of materials.
The values shelf be in accordance with those stated by manufacturer and noted for characterisation of materiats
Table 1 (continued)
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Б |
в 1 |
Ref. No, |
Teat |
Une |
kwulotion |
Inw eheath"’ & Ovareteath |
Teel method deaenbed tn |
О |
4. |
Taeief non-co<itaminet*on |
2412.1 |
4.1 |
Length of eamplee |
mm |
400 |
400 |
4+2 |
AQtrX] сопОЙЬоп»; ' temperature duration ФІ (refitment |
’C h |
85 і 2 33441006 |
8Б ± 2 33641008 |
4.3 |
Veto* to be obtained for the icrw4o wrangth end etongoUon at break (ineuletion and ovareheath): ■ variation*, max** ХчДа and To A, |
% |
& 30 |
± 30 |
IcrLt O'* А^А14 Tn Ap* |
% |
1 16 |
± IS |
r |
Heat thoefc teat |
606.XI |
XI & 6,2 |
si |
Test condition®! ’ temperature • duration of treatment |
•c h |
ISO 0 2 1 |
ISO * 2 1 |
6 2 6 |
R«uh to bo obtained Ргоаке teat al high temperature |
Absence of crack* |
Abeenee of credit* |
606.3.1 |
XI A 6.2 |
6 1 |
Teet condktone: - force tnorGwed by blade • duration of heeling under load - temperature |
•c |
« ■ * « « « 60 ± 2 |
» • 4 • ■ * 60 x 2 |
SO6 3.1 606 3.1 |
8.1.4AS.2 4 »164126 |
6.2 |
Reeuh to be obtained: • medren of iha depth of penetration, maximum |
% |
SO |
SO |
7. |
Bendina tear at low temperature |
506.1.4 |
6 1 4 8 2 |
7.1 |
Test conditional - temperature period ot application of lew temperature |
*c |
- )в f 2 ♦ *♦ |
15 t 2 * ■ • |
606.1.4 |
8 1.448.2 3 |
7,2 |
Result to bo obtohgd |
Absence of crack* |
Ateence ol crack* |
Variation: rtifference between the median value alter ageing and the median value without sgoingt expressed де a percentage of the letter,
Tg/ Тц, T*s {Aq Al4 A4J| represent the tensile strength (elongation at break} as delivered and after 14- day and 42'day ageing, respectively.
See test method referred to in columns 6 and 7.
For cables with metallic armourTable 1 Concluded)
— 1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
6 |
• 1 |
Ref, Г*Х |
Test |
Unit |
Insulation |
Imar •bsath1'1 & |
Teat method deecrbad n |
Qversheath |
HD |
Clausa |
8. |
Etonoetiofi t«t al taw fampertura |
WB 1.4 |
• 3 4 »4 |
8.1 |
Test conditioned ’ temperarure ‘ period of acvfccatbn of low tamparatura |
•c |
- lb ± 2 • »* |
■ 16 t 2 «•« |
Б06 1Л |
8 344844 |
8 2 |
RasuM to be obtained: - atangetion WfMur break, mm |
% |
20 |
10 |
9. |
tern M taw lefnomaturg |
Б06.1.4 |
ВЛ |
• 1 |
Teat conditioned - tamper atura period of apphcatton of low temperature maaa of haarwar |
*c |
• 16 t 2 « • « Я « V |
16 t 2 • V • # e |
808,1.4 &08.1.4 |
8 6ft 16.4 |
•-* |
Result to be obraewd |
я Я » |
• « • |
&06.1.4 |
8 6 8 |
See test method referred to tn columns 6 and 7 For cables with metallic armour
Tabla 2 - Requirements for the non-electrlcel teste for polyvetyl chloride (PVCI
for cebles wkh metallic screen (protected against electromeg ne tic disturbances!
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
a |
a |
a |
No. |
Tost |
Unit |
Insulation |
Inner sheath |
Oversheath |
Teel method described «1 |
MD |
Cleuea |
1. |
Тепайа strength end |
&06.1.1 |
»1 & |
| f |
0 2 |
1J |
Properties in ths etoto dekverod |
1,1.1 |
Уакш to be Mtatnad tor tiw tenwto strength- metSmn, fnvk |
N/tnn1 |
11.0 |
12Л |
17,6 |
1.1.2 |
vau*< to be ottBkied 1c* the Hongation qt brea* ' median, met |
% |
200 |
13Б |
200 |
V2 |
Properties after ageing m air oven |
Ив. 1.2 |
Я.1 |
1.2.1 |
Ageing condition*: temperature ‘ duraiЮП ol treatment |
•c h |
110 t 2 10 м 24 |
100 a 2 7 M 24 |
100 t 2 7 x 24 |
1.2*2 |
Value* to be obtexwd for the tensile strength; пнсівл, min. - venation*. max. |
hl/mm* 4 |
1Б.0 ± 20 |
12.Б 1 20 |
17Л ± 20 |
1.2*2 |
Value* lo be ebteMd lor the elongation at brack: median, mn. - variation", тел. |
% % |
200 ± 20 |
12Б 1 20 |
200 ± 20 |
1*3 |
Mechanic el propame* alter nmeriiofi л mineral ed funder conetttarat bon* |
2. 2,1 |
loee Of КИ Agemg согнМжю»: • temperefure duration of treatment |
•c h |
100 ± 2 7 M 24 |
100 * 2 7 и 24 |
100 ± 3 7 x 24 |
606.3 2 |
a.i a S.2 |
2,2 |
Value* to bo otweined for the toe* of тега, том. |
mg/cm1 |
2.0 |
2.0 |
2.0 |
Variation: difference between the median value after ageing and the median vakje without ageing, expressed as a percentage of the latterTable 2 (Continued)
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
6 |
e |
’ 1 |
Ref Mo. |
Ten |
Unit |
Ineultticn |
Inner eheath |
Overehaalh |
Тем method daecrtoed m |
HO |
Clause |
3. |
Ten of non-c arte mfriM ton |
80Б |
2.4Л2Л |
XI |
Length of ««трім |
ffWtt |
400 |
b |
400 |
3.2 |
Agoing согкМюле: - temperature • ttoralton of treeunenl |
•C h |
86 ± 2 азе &іооа |
8Б * 2 336 & 1008 |
3.3 |
VMuei to bo ptrtetood for the (опека strength and ♦tongelion at treakt |
’ variation*, теж’** Te A. |
% |
4 30 |
± M |
f «* A14 |
% |
± 1Б |
± te |
4. |
Hoar ahonk teat |
60S 3 .1 |
9 1 4 9.2 |
4.1 |
Ten conditions: - lempereture diration of traotnwnt |
•c h |
І БО ± 2 1 |
16012 1 |
160 £ 2 1 |
4.2 |
Result to be obtained |
• « » • |
» • »• |
• « « • |
5, |
Preewe tew at hkrf> temperature |
606 3Л |
9 1 * 9,2 |
вл |
Toot eondtrtohei • force exerciead by Mede duration of beating under toed temperature |
*C |
• ** • • » 80 ± 2 |
• m • • « 80 ± 2 |
• • « * ■ « 80 ± 2 |
606. ЗЛ 606.3 1 |
6 1.448 2 4 8,1.648.2.6 |
62 |
Result lo be obtained: ■ тімкеп of the depth of panoueitoH, тажегют |
4 |
so |
БО |
БО |