VoRaoe test
When the voltage test is carried out on the complete cable in accordance with sub-clause 3,2,1 qf HO 605, using a test voltage of 3.5kV for a duration of 6 minutes, the insulation shall not break down.
Abrasion test
When a sample of th* completed cable їв tested in accordance with sub-dausa 2.4.Б of HD 605, the overaheath she* be deemed to be satisfactory provided that, foOowkig the test, examination of the sample without magnification reveals no crack* or split* hi the internd or external surface*.
2 4 4 Testi relating to fire conditions Tert for fame propagation of ski ole cable
The finished cable shall comply with HD 405, Part 1 for tests under fire conditions when tested in accordance with that standard.
2 4.4.2 Tert for flame propagation of bunched cable
The finished cable shal comply with HD 605 clause 4.1.4 for test under fire conditions when tested in accordance with that standard. Teat for smoke emission
When a sample of the complete cable is tested In accordance with HD 605 sub- clause 4.2,5 the values for the smoke generated, measured as standard absorbance IAJ shall be as follows:
(i) &nole core cables
Not to exceed 10
M Multi-core cables
Not to exceed the values in the tabla below:
Number of test pieces |
A. |
4 3 2 1 |
0.7 0,8 LO 1.5 | T«t tar eorrorive and acid ои «ni&ston
When samples of bedding, oversheath, insulation, binders and filers are tested in accordance with HD 602 the recommended requirements shall be met.
2.4,5 Approval tests
2,4.5 J Ranos of approval for cables
Type approval for the complete range of cabin specified for this type te obtained by carrying out the following type tests on a cable having a tabulated diameter not exceeding 15mm and also on a cable having a tabulated diameter between 26mm and 40mm;
(a) Abrasion tert Isee 2,4.3)
One test should be carried out on each cable selectedtb) Corrosive sod gas test Uee 2Л.4.4)
At tbit it a test on a cable component end therefore generally independent of too or number of cores, only one test H necessary
Test for flame propagation of bunched cable (see
For compliance with the requirements of HD 605 clausa 4,1.4 two possible methods of installation are stated, Й, in spaced and in touching formations. One tut of mufti-core cable having a tabulated diameter not exceeding 16mm should therefore be selected and tested in touching formation and one having a tabulated cSameter between 26mm and 40mm (provided that at least two samples of cable ere used) and tested in spaced formation for compliance with the requirements Of HD 605 clausa 4,1,4*
The test shall be considered satisfactory if, after burning has ceased, or the flamts extinguished io accordance with sub-clause 4 J .4 of HD 60&:
(il Penetration to the conductor has been achieved on all the front row of cables
The cables have been wiped clean and the charred portion hat not reached a height exceeding 2.5m above the bottom edge of the upper burner, measured at the front, rear and where applicable between the cable assembly. Inspection shall be made of the internal surfaces of closely packed cable fristalations to ensure that the damage does not exceed the kmhs specified.
Test for smoke emission (see
The loss of light transmittance during the 3m cube test is not pro-rata to the number of cables. Therefore, although a range of cables may have identical components, two tests are required, in accordance with the following table, to obtain approval for either the complete or a limited range.
Range of approval Number of samples on test [MU>red tsao and HD 605 stA-ctause 4.2.5)
Complete 4 and 2
16mm' and below 4 and 3
Ібпіт" and above 2 and 1
Ie) Compatibility (see Table 1)
Test to be carried out on each size of cable selected.
If) Oxygen index test (see
Test to be carried out on components from each of the selected cables
.Limited approval for cables of lOmm* and below can be obtained by carrying out all the test» given in hl to <e) on a cable having a tabulated diameter not exceeding 16mm, Limited approval for cables of 16mm’ and above can be obtained by carrying out ail ths tests on a cable having a tabulated diameter between 26mm and 40mm. For limited range of approval, however two tests need to bo carrwd out for smoke emission (see (d) above!.
Each of the tests should be carried out on the same cable except the corrosive acid gas test need only bo carried out on one of the selected cables.
2 4.5.2 Oxvoen index tost
During type tests the absolute oxygen index of samples of insulation, bedding and overshoe th. taken from the complete cable, shall be determined using the teat method given in HD 405.3 (Appendix BL The values obtained Shall be used to enable a nominal value together with sunable tolerances for sample test to be agreed between manufacturer and purchaser.
For sample tests the value of oxygen index of the bedding and oversbeath shall ba determined using the test method given in HO 405.3 (Appendix 8). The values obtained shall fall within the agreed tolerance on the nominal value.
2Л.6 Compatibility UM
When tested in accordance with clause of HD 605. but using a temperature of (100 ± 2PC. the material shai comply with the values given in Table 21,
Inautation resistance teatItxi HEPR core!
When tested in accordance with clause 3.3.1 of HD 605. the values measured shall not be less than the minimum specified value of К - 3 67 MD. Km measured at (90±2)*C.
Oversheath resistance test
The oversheath resistance measurement shall be made between the armour and the water. The test voltage shall not be less than 500V d.c and shall be applied for sufficient time to reach steady measurement, but in no case (or less then one minute, by the method given in sub-clause 3X4 of HD 605,
The oversheath resistance shaE not be less than the minimum specified value of 1 M ohm per km when corrected to 20 °С.
СаЫеі without matail.c covering
Not applicable.
Cables with metallic covarino
Coda designation
(Under consideration by TC20!
4 2 Rated voltage
0,6/1 OV,
4,3 Construction
The conductors shall be of the material and type detailed in tables 4 to 13 and shall comply with the requirements of HD 383.
Class 1 for solid conductors
Сіам 2 for stranded conductors.
Circular sectoral conductors are formed from four 90“ segments without any insulation between them. These shall comply with the material requirements of HD 383 and the resistance requirements of Table 15,
The insulation shall be either cross-linked polyethylene IXLPE) or hard ethyleno propylene rubber IHEPRI complying with the requirements given in tabla 1, and sub-clause 2.4.4,4,
The insulation thickness shall comply with the value specified in tables 4 to 13.
Aaaemfatv of cores
The cores of cables having two, three or four cores shall be toidup with a right-hand or right-and-left-hand alternating direction of lay. for multi-core auxiliary cables the direction of lay shall alternate for each successive layer. Auxiliary cables having up to and including seven cores may bo laid-up with a right-hand or left-hand or with a right-and-left-hand alternating direction of lay. Where necessary, synthetic filers, which may bo applied integrally with the bedding, shall be used to form a compact end reasonably circular свЫе.
Inner covering ibeddino)
The bedding shall consist of an extruded layer of synthetic material compatible with the Operating temperature of the cable and shall comply with the requirements tor type TB2 in table 2t and sub-clausa 2.4,4.4*
The beddng thickness shall comply with the vetoes specified in tables 4 to 13.
The tolerance for minimum thickness shall be 20% + 0.2mm.
The armour shall consist of a single layer of wires having nominal dimensions as giver in tables 4 to 13, as appropriate.
For single core cables, the armour sliali consist of aluminium wires.
For muiti-core cables, the armour shal consist of a single layer of galvanised steel wires.The armour shall be applied helically with a left-hand lay for cables having up to and mckxjkvg four cores. For multi core auxiliary cables the armour shall be applied helicalfy with a direction of lay opposite to that of the fine! layer of cures. except that for cable* which have been laid-up with alternating nght-and-left-hand lay the armour may ba applied with either a right-hand or a left-hand lay.
Wire armour shall comply with the following as appropriate:
(al The diameter of round armour wire shall fall within the minimum and maximum wire diameters specified in table 14 when measured rn accordance with sub-clause of HD 605.
(bl The mass of zinc coating of galvanised steel armour wire shell not be less chan that given in table 14 when measured ki accordance with sub-clause 2.5.11 of HD 605.
(c) The steel wn shall be subjected to the wrapping test specified in sub-clause 2.3 2 of HD 605. and shal not break.
(dj The tensJe strength of aluminium armour wires shall not be less than liSN/mm* when measured in accordance with sub-clause 2 3.1.1 of HD 605.
(el The de resistance of the armour of the complete cable measured and corrected to 20е C shall not exceed the appropriate value given in tables 15 to 17 of thia part when measured tn accordance with sub-clause 3.1.2 of HD 605.
Joints In steel armour wire shall be brazed or welded and any surface irregularity shall be removed.
Joints in aluminium wires shall be made by cold pressure or fusion welding and all surface irregularities shall be removed.
Any joint in any wire shall be not less than Im from the nearest joint in any other armour wire in the complete cable.
4.3.6 Oversheath
The over shea th ehaR be an extruded layer of black synthetic material complying with the requirements for type ZM1 given in table 2. and sub-clause 2,4.4.4.
The ovaraheath thickness shall comply with the specified value in tables 4 to 13.
4.4 TjM
Compliance with the requirements of sub-clause 4.3 shall be checked by inspection and by the tests specified in table 3,
RtqurMWXt fat the ma afaettfaal taeta far 90*C ttubfan
1 |
2 |
3 |
* |
8 |
Ref No |
Urwt |
T>pa of compound |
Toot method described m; |
nEPfi |
XLPf |
1 |
TamBa strength and aleeeatien at break |
H05oe.11 Sub-cfauoe 3,1 |
11 |
Properties in the state «s dHvetod |
1-11 |
Vafaee to be obtained for tha tansilo strength: - median, mn |
N/mm1 |
8 5 |
12 6 |
1.13 |
Vattae to Ь« attained for the ofangatwi at troekr ■ mecfcan, тл |
% |
200 |
200 |
1.2 12.1 |
Properties afitf agemg in air twert Agemg condHione: temporoture oj ret ion of traalmant |
h |
13B±3 7x24 |
13613 7x24 |
H05D6.1.2 Sub'Cfauoa 8.1.3 |
1.2.2 |
Values to be attained lor the taneifa «trongrfa • medan, min ■ venation 11) max |
N/mm' 4 |
30 |
2Б |
1.2.3 |
Values to be attained lor the •longeiton et brook: • meden, min ■ variation (1) max |
% 4 |
30 |
2Б |
IS |
ISparal |
1.4 |
Properties attar agoing m the air bomb |
HD5O5.12 Suttcloueo 8,2 |
1.4,1 |
Ageing condrttone: - temperature - daation erf treatment |
•c h |
127 x 1 40 |
A |
14.2 |
VaAio to be attained for Iha tensile strength; - median, mm variottoft 11) max |
N/mm* 4 |
SO |
f |
1.4.8 |
Vakiee to ba attained for the elongation el brook; - nteden, mm ■ variaboH (1) max |
4 % |
30 |
■ |
IIJ Vitiation: Difference b*tw**n the median velue after ageing and the median value without ageing, expressed as a percentage of the fatter.TABLE 1 (concluded)
1 |
2 |
1 |
4 |
6 |
6 |
Ftel No |
T«ct |
Unit |
Type of DOrnpound |
Tort method daecribod In? |
2 |
Hoc Ml 1*t1 |
HO5O6 2.1 СІоіле Э |
2.1 |
Condition* of traetment' |
■ teonpoflluie |
•c |
2Б0±3 |
2OO±2 |
• time under bod |
16 |
1b |
• mechanic el of rocs |
Worn* |
20 |
20 |
2 2 |
Tom requirements: |
fMx, Mongatton under bod |
% |
100 |
17Б |
■ max etonaetton efier unkradng |
% |
2B |
16 |
1 |
ComoePbUIrv toot |
HD606 aut^clauoe 2Л 12.2 |
3.1 |
Agoing condrtkxw |
• temperature |
■c |
too ±2 |
10012 |
' dtMehon of treatment |
h |
7x24 |
7x24 |
3.2 |
МмЬенгсЫ РгереНйе «her <KMng |
- twwH aUonglh |
* |
- оіолдмкмі or brook |
* |
■ |
4 |
Отого tOQMttnco tost |
HO6O6 2.1 Qeuee • |
Toot гопгЗДопв: |
toot tempvoTure |
•C |
26*2 |
- toot dureiion |
h |
30 |
а |
- отеле concentration |
ppm |
2Ы73ОО |
r |
Б |
Shrinkono |
НОСОВ. 1,2 Cleueo 10 |
6.1 |
Toot eoodihom: |
temperature |
•c |
* |
130*3 |
- time |
h |
■ |
1 |
6.2 |
Roeuh to be ohtMMd |
• ehroiksga, mor |
% |
- |
4 |
6 |
Hord new |
HD 606 Sutxbueo |
Minimum |
[RHO |
flO |
- |
2.2.6 |
7 |
WtttM ibtorplion |
HO 606.1 Л Sub-duo 9.2 |
7Л |
Toot cooditiorwr - temperature |
*C |
M±2 |
6612 |
• lime |
h |
14x24 |
14x24 |
7.2 |
Rosufte to be obtained |
тем variation in moas |
fnfl/cm’ |
ft |
1 |