Numbering shall be in accordance with HD 166 and shall be white.

  1. Cable marking

Th* method of cable marking shall comply with clause 3 of Part 1 and th* following additional requirements

  1. .External (narking {Provisional!

The axternal surface of all cables shall ba legibly merited as foiows:

Cables without metallic covenno

RG10M1-0.6/1 kV - 1 x croas secuon &JC or

RG10M2-0.6/1 kV • 1 x cross section ENC or

RG1 OOMI*0.6/1 kV ■ number of conductors x cross-section ENC 0/

RG100M2-0.6/1 kV - number of conductors x cross-section EMC or

FG1 OOMI-0,6/1 kV * number of conductors x cross-section ENC or

FG1OOM2’O.6/1 kV - number of conductors x cross-section ENC

Screened cables

RG10H1M1-0.6/1 kV - 1 к cross-section ENC or

RG10H1M2-0.6/1 kV-1 x cross-section ENC or

RG1 OOH IM VO.6/1 kV - number of conductors x cross-section ENC or RG1 OOH 1 М2 »0.6/1 kV ’ number of conductors x cross section ENC or FG1Q0H1 MI-0.6/1 kV - number of conductors x cross-section ENC or FG1 OOH IM 2*0-6/1 kV * number of conductors x cross-section ENC

Furthermore, a metre mark, at Im intervals, shall also be applied.

The legend shall be along one or more lints and in the lacier the lines shall be approximately equally spaced around die circumference.

When emboss mg or indenting is used, the letters and figure* shall consist of upright block characters-

In the legend, the maximum size of the character shall be 13mm and the minimum size 15% of the specified overal diameter of 3mm, whichever is greater-

In case of printing, the prim height shall be 15% of the specified overall diameter as a minimum. The numbers shall be printed In a colour which contrasts with the oversheath colour.

Compliance shall be checked by visual examination and measurement

  1. Additional test requirements

    1. Semolina for special sample tests

The number of finished lengths to be checked is stated according to ISO 2659-1974, General inspection level I and single sampling plan for reduced inspection, with AOL = 2.5%, shall be adopted io define sample size

If a cable length (or a cable sample or a test piece taken from ill doss not fulfil even only one out of the lest requirements, the cable length is classified as defective, and it is rejected.

When th* AQL value ia not met ail delivered cable lengths shall be tested and the defective ones are rejected.

  1. M 8 амм aments of cable di ma ns io ns

When the о vers И dimension of the cable is checked in accordance with sub-deuse 2.1*3.1 of HD 605, the mean overall dimension shall comply with the value* specified in Tables 4 to 6. When the ovakty of the cable is checked in accordance with sub-dause of HD 605. the difference between the maximum and minimum value of the diameter shall not exceed 15% of the overall diameters specified in Tables 4 to 6.

  1. Checking number of conductor wires (class 2 conductors)

Determine by Inspection the number of conductor wires of one core of each length of cable selected for the test.

  1. 3.4 Bond test on complete cable

The bend tost shall be carried out at ambient temperature in accordance with sub-clause, of HD 605, immediately after conditioning in a straight arrangement for at least 1 h at 10 ± 3)°C.

The mandrel ckameter shal be 16 (D+d) * 5%r D and d being the measured over al diameter and the conductor diameter, respectively.

After the bend test, the U-bent cable shall be immersed in waler at ambient temperature, leaving above water a length of sample adequate for the test.

A voHage of 4 kV a.c. or 12 kV dx, shall be appked for 10 min on succession between each conductor and all other conductors connected together and to water.

The tear level shall be attained be gradually increasing the voltage.

No breakdown shall occur.

After the voltage test, a piece of cable of about 16 D in length (D being the measured oven! diameter In the middle of the sample) shal be stripped carefully and the various components shal be visually examined. Neither breaking of conductor nor cracks of insulation or oversheath are allowed.

  1. Checking tkimra of содові wires

When tested in accordance with sub-clause 2.5.3 of HD 605, the wires shal not show black spots unremovable by rubbing when examined with normal vision (black spots placed at less than 10mm from wire end are not considered). One stained wire out of seven Is tolerated.

  1. Measurement of density of insulation

During type tests the density of a sample of insulation, taken from on end of one core of the cable length, shall be determined using the test method given in HD 505,1.3, da use 6. and the result shall be recorded.

For sample tests the density of the insulation shall be determined as above. The value obtained shal not differ by more than tO 04 g/ern’ from that determined in the type tests.

2 3.7 Determmatw of hardness of elastonwic Insulation and sheath

During type test, the hardness of samples of insulation and oversheath, taken from one end of one core of the cable length, shall be determined in accordance with sub-clause 2.2.5 of HO 605 and the result shall be recorded.For sample test the hardness of insulation and oversheath $hal be determined a* above, and the values obtained shall not differ by more than ± 5 IRHD from those determined in type teats и

2.3 8 Vofraoe test on complete саЫе

When tested in accordance with sutrclausa 3*2.1 of HD 60S, using a test voltage of 4 kV a.c. or 12 kV d.c, for a duration of 16 mln in the case of single-core, and 10 min in the case of multi-core cables b the Insulation shal not break down.

In the case of cables with more than 7 cores up to and including 27 cores, however, the test voltage shall be applied as foil owe:

  • between all conductors with odd number in alt layers, connected together, and all conductors with even number in alJ layers, connected together:

  • between all conductors of the even layers, connected together, and ail conductors of the odd layers, connected together;

  • between the first and last conductor in a layer, when it Is formed by an odd number of conductors.

2 3.8 Voltaoa test on сота

When a sample of core, taken from the cable length during manufacture and before application of any bedding and oversheath, is tested in accordance with sub-clause 3.2,2.2 of HD 605, using a teat voltage of 2 kV a.c. for a duration of 4 h, the insulation shall not break down.

2J.10 Insulation resistance tests

Whan a sample of core is tested in accordance with sub clause 3.3.1 of HD 605, the К value at 80°С shall not be less than 0.75 M

In the case of multkcore cables the test shaN be carried out on one core.

When complete cable is tested in accordance with sub-clause 3.3,3 of HD 605 the К value at {20 ± 2IQC ihal not be less than 7.БО M

The test on complete cable shaM be earned out after the voltage test specified in sub-ctause 2.3.8 of this Section

2.3 11 Flame propagation test on bunched cables

The test shall be carried out In accordance with sub-clause 4 13 of HD 606 on pieces of cable as delivered as well as on pieces of cable previously submitted to thermal ageing in accordance with sub-clause 4.1.3 4 of HD 605.

The number of cable pieces shall ba such as to give a total mass of non-meta Ilic material of 10 kg/m*

The test shall be considered satisfactory if the charred or affected portion does not reach a height exceeding 3.5m above the top edge of the furnace measured at the front and the rear □f the cable assembly

2,3 12 Smoke emission tost

When the test it carried out in accordance with sub’Clause 4.2,1 of HD 605, the measured absorbance A,, shall not be greater than 1.5,

  1. .1 3 Corrosive gas emission test

The test shall be carried out separately on the insulation of one core, the inner covering end oversheath in accordance with IEC 754-1.

For tach component the level of HCI per sample mass unit shal noc be creator than 0.3%.

  1. Toxicity jndex test

The toxicity index shall be determined in accordance with sub-dausa 4.4,1 of HO 605 for each organic component present in the cable.

The weighted toxicity index shall then bo calculated as the sum of the individual toxicity indexes referred to the percentage by weight of the organic components present in the cable. The weighted toxicrity index shall not be greeter than 2.

  1. & Oxvflen index test

During type tests the oxygen index of samples of insulation, inner covering and oversheath, taken from one end of the complete cable, shall be determined using the test method given in prHD 405.3 Appendix EL and the results shaP be recorded.

For sample tests the oxygen index of the insulation, inner covering and oversheath shall be determined as above.

The values obtained for the insulation and over sheath shall not differ by more than 2 units from those determined in the type tests, whereas the value obtained for the inner covering shall not differ by more than 5 units from that determined in the type tests.

  1. Temper pure Index test

During type tests the temperature index of samples of insulation, inner covering and оversbasth, taken from one end of the complete cable, shall be determined using the test method given m sub-clause 4.5 of HD 605, and the results shall be recorded.

For sample tests, the temperature index of the insulation. Inner covering and over sheath shall be determined as above.

The values obtained for tlw insulation, inner covering and oversheath shall not differ by more than + 15 °С H the temperature index is higher than 350 °С it is only requested to reach this value.

  1. Checking insulation thermal life

When tested in accordance with sub-clause 6,1,3 of HD 605 the residual efongation at break of the insulation shall not be test than 50%.

Note: For the purpose of this test the manufacturer shaN provide the thermal life curve of the insulation according to Arrhenius, determined on the basis of a residual elongation at break eoual to 50%. This curve shall show ад extrapolated service life at 60 *C not lower than 40 years.

  1. Thermal endurance tt».;

A complete cable sample shall be tested in accordance with sub-clause 5.1,2 of HD 605.

The diameter of the mandrel shall be 16 (D + dl ± &%r where D and d are the measured overall diameter of the cable and the measured diameter of the conductor, respectively. For the voltage test, a voltage of 3,5 kV a c shall be applied for 10 min between each conductor and the other conductors connected together vid to water

  1. The insijation shall not break down.Theonooravimetnc test

During туре teat the therm ogravi metric analysis of tamp les of insulation of one core, inner covering and oversheath, taken from one end of the complete cable, shall be carried out using the method given insubdause 2.5-7 of HD 606 SI :1994/prA1 end the mass variations as well as the relevant characteristic peak temperatures of the various components shall be recorded.

For sample tests, the thermogravimetric analysis of the insulation, inner covering and oversheath shall be carried out as above.

For each mass variation step, the mass loss values shal not differ from the corresponding value* determined in the type test* by more than ±10%. Furthermore, the values of the characteristic peak temperature shall not differ by more than 4 10°C from those determined in the type test.

  1. 3 20 Rana» of approval

    1. Rang» of approval for skiata-core cables

Type approval for Che complete range of cable* without metallic covering specified for this type is obtained by carrymg out the test* listed m Table 3 on a cable with 50mm* conductor.

Approval for the complete range of screened cables is deemed to be covered by test* on unscreened cables, provided a 50mm1 screened cable fulfills the requirements of the fol owing tests:

  • Compatibility test on complete cable (Table 3, Ref. No. 4)

  • Bend test on complete cable (Table 3, Ref. No, 5)

  • Flame propagation test on bunched cables in the state as delivered (Table 3, Ref- No. 7Л), Ranot of aocnovaf for пгкііп-соге

Type approval for the complete range of саЫе* without metallic covering specified for this type is obtained by carrying out the tests listed In Table 3 on a 3*core cable with 95 mm1 conductor and on a 7-core cable with 1.5 mm1 conductor.

Approval for the complete range of screened cables is deemed to be covered by tests on unscreened cables provided З-соге 95mm* and 7-core t,5mm* screened cables fulfill the requirements of the following tests:

- Compatibility lest on complete cable {Table 3, Rat, No. 41 Bend test on complete саЫв (Table 3, Ref - No. 5|

Rams propogation test on bunched cables in the stats as delivered (Table 3, Ret No. 7.41

3 Cables without metallic covering

  1. Code deakinatign

(Under considatMion by TC2OI

  1. Rated voltage

0.6Л kV

  1. Construction

  1. J Conductor

The conductors she! be of the material and type detailed in Tables 4 to 6 and shall comply with the requirements of HD 383:

Class 2 for stranded conductors.

Class 5 for tiexJWe conductors.

The resistance requirements arc given in Tables 4 to 6*

  1. insulation

The insulation shall be elastomeric cross linked compound type GIO with low emission of smoke, toxic and corrosive gases, complying with the requirements given in Table 1.

The insulation thickness shai comply with the values specified in Tables 4 to 6.

  1. tnnef coverinn

The inner covering shall consist of an extruded layer of a compound with low emission of smoke, toxic and corrosive gases compatible with the operating temperature of the cabie^ ki the case of single-core the inner covering is optional.

  1. Oversheath

The oversheath shafl consist of a green coloured thermoplastic (type M11 or thermosetting (type М2) compound with k>w emission of smoke, toxic and corrosive gases, comp tying with the requirements given in Table 2. The ever sheath thickness shall comply with the value specified in Tables 4 to 6.

  1. Tests

Compfiance with the requirements of sub-clause 3.3 shall be checked by inspection and by the tests specified in Table 3

4. Cables with metallic covering

  1. Code designation

(Under consideration by TC20I

  1. Rated voltace

0.6Л kV4 3 Construction

  1. Conductor

The conductors shall be of the material and type detailed In Tables 4 to 6 and shal comply with the requirements of HD 383:

Class 2 for stranded conductors.

Gass 6 tor flexible conductors.

The resistance requirements are given in Tables 4 to 6

  1. Insulation

The insulation shal be elastomeric cross (inked compound type GIO with low emission of smoke, toxic and corrosive gases, complying with the requirements given in Table 1.

The insulation thickness shall comply with the values specified in Tables 4 to 6.

  1. Inner covering

The inner covering shall consist of an extruded layer of a compound with low emission of smoke, toxic and corrosive gases compatible with the operating temperature of the cable In the case of single-core the inner covering is optional.

  1. Metallic «стадо

The metallic screen shall consist of one or more plain copper tapes, applied heScalty over the core assembly. The edge overlap of the tepefsl shall be at least 16% of the tape width.

The d-C- resistance of the screen, corrected to 20 °С. shall not be greater than 5 О Am,

  1. Qvers heath

The ov er shea th shall consist of a green coloured thermoplastic hype Ml) or thermosetting I type M2I compound with low emission of smoke, toxic and corrosive gases, complying with the requirements given in Table 2. The oversheath thickness shall comply with the value specified ki Tables 4 to 6.

4-4 Tests

Compliance with the requirements of sub clause 4.3 shall be checked by inspection and by the tests specified in Table 3.

Table 1 - Requirements ftx tfie non'electrical teste fof insulation






Ret Pte



Type oi compound Q1D

Test methed
















4 1


Twb menolh end etonflattnn ai brace

Properties in the itele ее deleted

Value to be obtained for 1 ensile strength: ' median, min.

Value to be obtained for Iha elongation at break ' median, min.

Properties alter ageing in a* even Ageing ссгкИихс

tempereTura - duration VeXw io be obtained for tbe ism Ns Ki/ongttv - variation Г). max.

Veil» to be obiemed for ttwj etongstbn at break;

variananO, wax.


Teat conditions:

wne СОпсапегМюг ■ duration

Result to be obtained

Hai Mt rest

Teat condition»:

cempsraiur» - meohanicel Wreee duration

Value to ba obtained for the etangetfon:

- elongation under load, max. permanent etengaixm, max.

Water absorption (grayimsine)

Teat condition!' - temperature - duratem Мам тотеме, max.


c h



H h

C Nftnm1 min

% H

h m^cm*



135 7 a 24

1 25

± 25

0 025 tc 0.030 30 Absence o* crocks

260 OJ 15

176 1Б

100 24 Б

HD БОБ.KI, sub' clausal 9.1 It 9 2

MO 60S. 1.2. eub'Clauee 9.1

HD BOU J. clauee S

HD БО6.2.1. ctauee 9

HD ВОД КЗ, ctae« 9

Table 1 (concluded)






aw. no



Type of compound GIO

Test method


CrHWMtMlir t«l

Agomo сополкх»: - temperature duration

c h


7 ж 24

HD 606 1,2, »ub deuM 8-1Л


Vek*e lo be obtained for the імхИе etrengtk

- warletton Г), max.


4 2«


Vebo to bo obtained for the eforiQtt'or* at break: variation (*)„ max.


t 2S