3000 MD km at20°C

30 Mflimst 60°C

3 MD km at 90oC

2.3.3,2 When a sample of cable is tested in accordance with sub-ciause 3.3.1 of HD 606. the Ki value at 20°C shall be not less than 3000 MG. km

  1. Measurement of transfer impedance

When the transfer impedance of the cable sample with metallic screen is measured tn accordance with sub-clause 3.7 of HD 605. the curve of measured transfer impedance versus frequency shall be less than 20 and constantly decreasing from 100 kHz.

2-3.5 Water absorption tests on oversheatn

When two secs of test pieces are tested in accordance with and the oversheath shall comply with the requirements given in table 2,

  1. Method for strip test pieces. The sampling and test procedure shefi be cwced cut in accordance with sub-clause 9.2 of HD 505 1.3 employing the test conditions specified io table 2,

  2. Method tor dumbbell teat pieces. The sampling and preparation shall be carried out in accordance with Sub-clauses 9.2.2 and 9.2.3 of HD 505.1.1 employing the test conditions specified in table 2- After this treatment, the test pieces shall be transferred to water at ambient temperature and coded for one hour; they are then removed from the water and wiped. Their mechanical properties shal be checked In accordance with Sub-dause 9.2.7 of HD 505.1.1.

  1. Maa>uwm>nt of ovtrall dimensions

When a sample of complete cable is tested in accordance with Mib-clause of HD 605 the values obtained for the externa! diameter shall not be more than the maximum values given in tables 9 and 10.

  1. Measurement of the density of non-metahic components

When samples of insulation, fillers, inner sheath and oversheath are tested in accordance with clause 8 of HD 505.1.3, the measured values shall agree with the values staled by the manufacturer in the identification file and noted for characterisation of materials-

  1. When insulation consists of two layers, each constituent material shall be measured.3.fl Oxvnen index rest

In the identification file supplied by the manufacturer for all synthetic materiel used (іодиіеікмь filers, inner sheath and oversheatN, the two foMcwing values of the oxygen index obtained

(a) at 20 °С: Ю in accordance with test method given in HD 405.3 (Appendix Bl.

[bl at 8O*C: (0.1 Jw In accordance with test method given suh-clause 4.6 of HD 605.

shall bo given, and shall comply with the folio wing condition:

) (0.1.IM * (01^ I S 2

The values obtained during the type test shall be in accordance with the values declared by the manufacturer with a tolerance equal to 11

When insulation consists of two layers, the oxygen index value shall be given for each constituent.

For sample tests and special sample tests» materials shaM be sampled from the cables as follows:

(a) When dimensions permit, measurement is carried out on a specimen [6.5 * 0 5lmm wide and at whole thickness.

lb) In case of small cross-sectюп conductors, measurement is carried out on a sample of ihe complete cable |100 to 150 mm long];

(cl И case of double layer insulation, tho overall index is determined on type (al or lb) specimens according to the cable sites.

For each type of cable, the manufacturer shall indicate the oxygen index values obtained on series prototypes: <014% using the test method given in HD 405,3 (Appendix 01

During sample and special sample tests. (OJ.К measured values, using the same test method (HD 405 3 - Appendix Blr shall be such as

I (O.IP - Ю.І.Г I < 2

2.3.9 Smoke emission test

When samples of insulation, Miers, inner sheath end о versheath are tested in accordance with the test method given In sub-clause 4 2 4 of HD 606 (pyrolysis with flame exposure), the values obtained for:

  1. corrected specific optical density of smoke;

  2. smoke obscuration value for four minutes duration;

shell comply with the values given m table 3.

When two insulating layers are used, the test shall be performed on th* two materials separately.

Measurements are carried out on samples having the foilowing dimensions:

  • length 76 mm

  • width 76 mm

  • thickness 2 men

  1. Corrosive oas emission fest

When samples of insulation. Fillers . inner sheath and overs heath are tested in accordance with the test method given In HD 602, the pH and the resistivity values 01 the solution ehall comply with the values given in table 3,

When two insulating layers are used, the sampling is performed on both materials in proportion of respective volumes.

  1. Flame propagation tests

The complete cable shall be tested in accordance with:

UI HD 405.1; it shall meet the performance requirement of this HD,

(bl Sub-clausa 4 Л .2 of HD 606; the two test pieces of cable shall comply with the following conation:

On visual inspection, the part of the test piece located above the top of the chimney shad show no trace of combustion.

Ic] HD 405.3, Category B; it shall meet the acceptance criteria of this HD

  1. Bend t»sts for comotew cable

  1. Л Bend teat lor саЫ* without metallic covering

After a sample of complete cable has been tested in accordance with sub-clause 2.4ЛЛ of HD 606, it shall be subjected to the voltage test given in sub-clause 2.3ЛЛ, No breakdown shall occur and the sheaths ah а И not show any tear or crack.

The test temperature shall be ambient temperature.

The diameter of the test cylinder shall be:

160 for D s40mmr 24D for D >40mmr

where D is the actual external diameter of the cable sample, in mm. Bend test for cable with metalNc screen

Before and after a sample of complete cable has been tested in accordance with sub-dause 2.4ЛЛ of HD 605, the electrical resistance of the screen shall be measured’The d.c. resistance of ihe screen stall be lets than 20/km at 20°С in both cases.

The test temperature stall be ambient temperature.

The diameter of the test cylinder shad be:

12<d » DI ±5%

where: 0 Is the actual external diameter of the cable sample, in mm, d is tta actual external diameter of the conductor, in mm.

When the oversheath has been stripped off the cable, the metallic screen shall be examined.

No cracking or tearing shall be apparent. The inner sheath shall not be visible

  1. Thermal endurance test for power cable

When an approximately 40 m in length of complete cable is tested in accordance with sub­clause 5.1.5 of HO 606, no breakdown of the cable shall occur

The lest conditions shall be as follows:

(a) conductor temperature


ІЫ time duration

6000 h;

(c) number Of thermal cycles


On completion of this tear

(al 10m of sample is removed and the Insulation resistance measured; the Ki values shal meet the requirements given in sub-daust 2 3.3 1,

(bl The rest of the cable, i.e. 30 m, shall undergo the flame propagation test given in sub’ clause 4.1.2 of HD 505; it stall meet the requirement given in Sub clause 2,3.11[bl above.

2.3.14 Thermal endurance test for control cafate

The test shall be carried out in accordance with sub-clause 5.1,4 of HD 605 under the following conditions:

(a) conductor temperature (10Q±2PC

(bl time duration 1008 h (42 days!

At ihe end the ageing procedure:

(el The sample shall be subject to the vohage test given in sub-clause 2,3.1.1; no breakdown shall occur;

(bl The insulation resistance shall be measured; the Ki values shaM meet the requirements specified in Sub’dause

  1. Cabtaa without metaHk: covering

    1. Gode designation

1 Under consideration by TC20)

  1. Rated voltage


  1. Construction

3J.1 Conductor

The conductor shaH be of the material and type detailed in tablet 6 and 7 and shall comply with the requirements of HD 383 for Class 2: s Handed conductors.



The extruded insulation shall be either:

(el cross*!inked halogen-free material I including XLRE) in a single layer, or

(Ы a double layer cross-linked halogen-free material; In this case, the two layers shall be solidly bonded-

The insulation shall comply with the requirements given in tables 1 and 3 end the insulation resistance requirements given in sub-clause 2 3.3 1.

The insulation thickness shall comply whh the value specced in table 8.

3,3.3 Fillar and assembly protection

If filler is necessary in order to ensure the roundness of the core assembly, it shall be halogen* free and shall be compatible wnh the other materials. It shall comply with requirements given in table 3 with regard IO the tests related 10 fire conditions on the material samples.

If necessary, a halogen-free cape can be laid on the assembly.



The oversheath shall consist of an extruded layer of cross-linked or thermoplastic halogen-free material complying with the requirements given in tables 2 and 3,

Its colour shall be blue lor power cables and grey for control cables I see sub-clause 2.2.11.

The nominal thickness of the oversheath shall comply with (be values specified in table 9 or 10.

The maximum outer diameter of the cable Is also given In tables 9 and 10.

  1. Tests

Compliance wnth the requirements o* sub clause 3-3 shall be checked by inspection and by the tests specified in table 4

  1. ,Cables with metallic covering

    1. Codtideaianatian

(Under consideration by TC2O)

  1. Rated voilaoe


  1. toi&mifihfln

4.3 J Conductor

The conductors shall be made of plain copper and shall ba of circular cross*sect»on and type detailed In table 11 complying with the requirements of HD 383 for Claes 2: stranded conductors.

4.3,2 Insulation

The extruded insulation shall be ejther:

{a) crosslinked halogen-free material (including XL Pt) in a single layer, or

{bl a double layer cross-linked halogen-tree material; In this case, the two layers shal be solidly bonded.

The insulation shall comply with the requirements given tables 1 and 3 and the insulation resistance requirements given sub-clause 2-3.3.1-

The insulation thickness shall comply with the values specified in table 12.

  1. Inner sheath

The assembly of cores shall be contained within an inner sheath which may form filer.

This inner sheath shall be either crosslinked or thermoplastic halogen-free material complying with the requirements given in tables 2 and 3.

The mean value о I the thickness of the inner sheath shall be not fess than the specified value for each type and sire of cable shown in the table 13.

However, the thickness at any place may be less than the specified value provided that the difference does not exceed 0.1mm + 15% of the specified value.

The ficvuout calculation method for determining the diameter over laid-up cores is given in Appendix A of IEC Publication 502

  1. Metallic screen (shtetdi

The screen shall consist of a copper tape laid longiiudvially over the inner sheath. It Is corrugated to allow cable bending without damage. The lengthwise overlap of the screen tape shall oe at least 5 mm,

The d e, resistance of The screen of complete саЫе meatufed and corrected at 20* C shall be less then ZQArrv

  1. Ovsrsheath

The oversheath shall consist oi an extruded layer of cross-linked or thermoplastic halogen-free material complying with the requirements given in tables 2 and 3.

Its colour «hail be black.

The nominal thickness of the oversheath shall comply with the specified value In table 13.

4,4 Tests

Compliance with the requirements of sub-clause 4.3 shall be checked by inspection and by the testa specified in table 5.Table 1 -Requirements for the non*electrical test* for non halogenated insulating compound*




* 1

в 1






Typo of compound

T«vt method described e*


Other m«t«naU




Ttfirft Htennth ЄП4 И«!Даі№П nt




Ax»pertiM in the ttMa ft delivered


Value* to bo obtained lor the lentil* »[r*ngrfh;

< metSen, mm.





Vahje* io b* obtained tor the «опдмкт at freek;

medien, mm.





Prooerttee «he* agemg in air oven




Ageing wniStione; ’ t«mp*rature




duration o| treatment





VMuet to bo obtained lor ths teneda strength, - variation*, mex,





Value* to bo obtained lor rhe

kmgotion at breek:

venation*, max.





Hot tot UM

606 2.1



Condition» c4 trAoimont!

- temperature


200 ±3

200 ±3

limo under load




- mochonicol ttroto





Tom roqulremtot*:

l max. * bongo bon under load




mas, oongtTton after untoodnq





Test or non-enntammetion




Length of samples





Agoing contrttomt - temperature




- duration of iraatmeru


336 end

336 and