Термин Номер термина

active repair time 49

active reserve 66

ageing failure wearout failure 20

analytical dependability assessment 77

analytical-experimental dependability assessment 79 availability 8

availability function 50

complete failure 23

compliance test 87

continuous redundancy 69

critical failure 13

damage 33

degradation failure 30

dependab і11 ty 6

dependability assessment 75

dependabі11ty management 7 3

dependability support programme 74

dependability specification 71

dependability test programme 88

dependability verification 76

desing failure 18

determination test 86

down state 41

durability 4

early failure period 48

efficiency 5

efficiency ratio 52

ent і ty 1

experimental dependability assessment 78

failure 12

failure analysis 80

failure cause 31 failure criterion 32 failure intensity 57 failure rate 56 fault 39 faulty state 39 good state 38 gradual failure 22 interruption 34 item 1 limiting state 42 limiting state criterion 43 life 47 lifetime 46 loaded reserve 66 maintainability 10 maintainability model 81 manufacturing failure 19 mean active repair time (MART) 58 mean lifetime 60 mean restoration time 58 mean storage time 61 mean time betweenfailures (MTBF) 55 mishandling failure 17 misuse failure 15 non-critical failure 14 non-relevant failure 25 non-restorable item 3 operating time 44 partial failure 29 primary failure 27 probability of successful redundancy 68 redundancy 62 redundancy with restoration 64 redundancy without restoration 65 relevant failure 24 reliability 9 reliability and maintainability assurance 82 reliability and maintainability control 83 reliability and maintainability plan 84 reliability block diagram 85 reliability function 54 repair 35 restorable item 2 required function 7 reserve 63 restoration 37 restoration time 49 restoration rate 59 secondary failure 26 specified dependability measure 72 standby redundancy 70 standby reserve 67 steady state availability factor 51 storability 11 sudden failure 21 systematic failure reproducible failure 28 time between failures 45 unloaded reserve 67 unavailability function 53 unscheduled repair 36 up state 40 useful life 47 useful lifetime 46 weakness failure 17

Приложение A


  1. Международный стандарт МЭК 50(191). Международный Электротехнический Словарь. Глава 191: Надежность и качество услуг.

МККТТ. Синяя книга. Том 1 - Выпуск 1.3. Термины и определения.УДК оке

Ключевые слова: надежность, объект электросвязи, безотказ­ность , ремонтопригодность, готовность