The aerosol generator shall operate according to 7.16 after being subjected to a drop test as described in 7.13.
Discharge temperature
The requirements of 5.11.2 and 5.11.3 shall be verified by test according to the procedure described in 7.14.
Casing temperature
The manufacturer shall specify the maximum developed temperature for aerosol casing that shall not exceed 400 °С.
Aerosol flow temperature
The manufacturer shall specify the distance from the aerosol generator discharge outlet to the point where the temperatures do not exceed 75 °С, 200 °С and 400 °С.
Ignition device
The characteristics of the ignition device shall be verified and the reliability of operation tested by using the test method as described in 7.15.
Electrical ignition device
The manufacturer shall specify at least the minimum activation current and its duration, form of the signal, maximum monitoring current, range of voltage and the type of connection for a multiple generators arrangement.
Thermal ignition device
The manufacturer shall specify at least the minimum rated temperature at which the device operates.
Function reliability
When activated, the aerosol generator shall operate satisfactorily when tested in accordance with the procedure described in 7.16 (Function test).
Any generator’s family shall be actuated inside an explosive atmosphere. The actuation of the generator shall not initiate any explosion.
Open fire conditions
The aerosol generator, when intended for installation inside the protected enclosure, shall pass the function test after being subjected to the heat exposure test as described in 7.17.
The mounting bracket shall be tested together with the generator for corrosion, vibration and mechanical shock impacts as described in 7.9, 7.11, 7.12 and 7.13.
The manufacturer shall prepare and maintain documentation.
The manufacturer shall prepare installation and user documentation, which shall be submitted to the testing authority together with the sample(s). This documentation shall comprise at least the following:
a general description of the components;
a technical specification including:
information mentioned in 5.1 and 7.16.6;
sufficient information to permit an assessment of the compatibility with other components of the system (if applicable e.g. mechanical, electric or software compatibility);
installation instructions including mounting instructions;
operating instructions;
maintenance instructions.
The manufacturer shall prepare design documentation, which shall be submitted to the testing authority together with the sample(s). This documentation shall include drawings, parts lists, block diagrams (if applicable), circuit diagrams (if applicable) and a functional description to such an extent that conformity to this document may be checked and that a general assessment of the design is possible.
Each generator shall be marked with the following information:
name of the product;
manufacturer's or supplier's name or trade mark;
some mark(s) or code(s) (e.g. serial number or batch code), by which, at least, the date or batch and place of manufacture (if several places of manufacture) can be identified by the manufacturer;
mass of aerosol-forming compound;
date of manufacture;
temperature range;
storage humidity range;
service life;
distances as specified in 5.11.3.
The markings shall be non-detachable, non-flammable, permanent and legible.
Test methods
The components shall be tested assembled as recommended for installation by the manufacturer. The tests shall be carried at a temperature of (25 ± 10) °С, except when otherwise stated.
The tolerance for all test parameters is ± 5 %, unless otherwise stated.
The manufacturer shall submit for tests 100 samples from the same batch. From this number, 20 samples shall be tested according to the function test in 7.16 only.
The order of tests (with the exception of the compliance test and the functional test) may be changed by the testing authority.
The sequence of tests is shown in Table 1 and is given by the numbers 1, 2, 3 etc. in the Table. A, В etc. are the different samples.
Table 1 — Test order for samples
Test method |
A |
В |
Test order for sample |
G |
H |
C |
D |
E |
F |
7.3 Conformity |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
7.6 Discharge time test |
2 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
7.7.2 Temperature and humidity test |
— |
2 |
— |
— |
— |
2 |
7.7.3 Low temperature test |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
3 |
7.8 Accelerated ageing test |
— |
— |
— |
— |
2 |
— |
— |
— |
7.9 Corrosion test |
— |
— |
— |
2 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
7.10 Stress corrosion test |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
2 |
— |
7.11 Vibration test |
— |
— |
2 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
7.12 Impact test |
— |
2 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
7.13 Drop test |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
2 |
7.14 Casing and aerosol flow temperatures tests |
3 |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
7.16 Function test |
2 |
4 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
— |
3 |
4 |
7.17 Heat exposure test |
— |
— |
— |
— |
2 |
— |
— |
A visual and measurement check shall be made to determine whether the condensed aerosol generator corresponds to the description in the technical literature (drawings, parts lists, description of functions, operating and installation instructions).
Extinguishing factor determination
NOTE This test relates to the requirements of 5.2.
The extinguishing factor for specific fuels under different classes of fires shall be determined by specific test using the fire test procedure described in Annex A.
Extinguishing factor tests should be conducted with generator(s) of the same family. Number of aerosol generator units shall be sufficient to provide needed extinguishing factor in the test enclosure. Mass of generators unit prior and after discharge shall be registered. Other generators unit sizes which belong to the same family shall be subjected to a cold discharge. Mass prior to and after discharge shall be registered. These data shall be compared to results from fire tests to get extinguishing factor for each generator unit type.
Coverage determination
NOTE This test relates to the requirements of 5.3.
The maximum coverage and maximum and minimum height of the protected enclosure for each aerosol generator unit size shall be determined by test using the fire test procedures as described in Annex A.
Discharge time test
NOTE This test relates to the requirements of 5.4.
Discharge time test is integral part of the function test. See 7.16.1 for the discharge time test procedure.
Temperature and humidity operation range tests
NOTE The tests relate to the requirements of 5.5.
Object of the test
The object of the test is to demonstrate the ability of the equipment to function correctly at high relative humidity (with condensation) which may occur for short periods in the anticipated service environment.
Test procedure
The test procedure as described in EN 60068-2-30, using the variant 1 test cycle and controlled recovery conditions shall be used.
11.2.2 Conditioning
Apply the following severity of conditioning:
lower temperature: (25 ± 3) °С
upper temperature: (55+ 2) °С
relative humidity at lower temperature: (93 + 3) %
relative humidity at upper temperature: (93 ± 3) %
number of cycles: 2
Final measurements
After the recovery period, the sample shall be visually checked for mechanical damage externally, and shall be subjected to the function test.
When subjected to the function test, the sample shall respond correctly.
7.7.3 Low temperature Test
Condition the sample at - 20°C, or the service temperature recommended by the manufacturer whichever is the lower, for (2 ± 0,5) h.
Then carry out function test immediately. When subjected to the function test, the sample shall respond correctly.
Accelerated ageing test
NOTE This test relates to the requirements of 5.6.
Test time
The test time shall be calculated to fulfil requirements as follows:
2 _ 2^7710where
test time, in days
t2 expected service life, in days
A7"= - T2
Ті test temperature, in degrees Kelvin
T2 equivalent storage temperature, in degrees Kelvin
Table 2 — Example for the calculation result of formula (1) at T2= 25 °С
Test temperature T |
Test days for 10 years expected service life |
Test days for 5 years expected service life |
363.15K (90°C) |
40 days |
20 days |
373.15K (100°C) |
20 days |
10 days |
Test procedure
Tests are performed on three fully assembled condensed aerosol generators of the selected model size(s).
The manufacturer shall specify the maximum operation temperature and expected service life.
The generators shall be subjected to air-oven ageing at temperature Tj, which shall be at least 10 °С higher than the specified maximum operation temperature, for a period of days as calculated by Equation (1).
Following the ageing test the aerosol generators shall be subjected to and pass the function test.
Corrosion test
NOTE The tests relate to the requirements of 5.8.
The sample shall be exposed to a salt spray within a fog chamber.
The essential components and properties of the reagents and the test configuration are:
Solution consisting of NaCI in distilled water;
Concentration of the solution: (5 ± 1) %;
pH Value: 6,5 to 7,5;
Spray pressure: 0,6 bar to 1,5 bar;
Spray volume: 1 ml/h to 2 ml/h on an area of 80 cm2;
Temperature in test cabinet: (35 l)'®) °С;
Position of the sample: 15° to the vertical axis;
Spray time: (240 ± 2) h;
Drying time: (168 + 5) h at a humidity of maximum 70 %.
The sample shall be inspected for external mechanical damage and shall be subjected to a function test in accordance with 7.16.
Stress corrosion test
The aqueous ammonia solution shall have a specific weight of (0,94 ± 0,02) kg/l. The sample shall be filled with (10 ± 0,5) ml of the solution for each litre of container volume.
The sample shall be degreased for the test and shall be exposed for 10 days to the moist atmosphere of ammonia and air, at a temperature of (34 ± 2) °С. The samples shall be positioned (40 ± 5) mm above the level of the liquid.
After testing, the samples shall be cleaned and dried and subjected to careful visual examination. To make cracking clearly visible, the liquid penetration method shall be used.
Vibration test
NOTE This test relates to the requirements of 5.9.
The drawings and the technical data shall be checked to determine whether vibration could have an adverse effect on the performance of the non-electrical disable device.
If necessary, vibration tests shall be carried out either in the standby position, loaded position or unlocked position.
The sample is attached to a vibration table using fixing materials provided by the manufacturer.
The test apparatus and procedure shall be as described in EN 60068-2-6, Test Fc:
— Frequency range: 10 Hz to 150 Hz
— Acceleration amplitude for components which are designed to be attached to machinery:
— 10Hzto50Hz: 9,81 m/s2 (= 1,0 gn)
— 50 Hz to 150 Hz: 29,43 m/s2 (= 3,0 gn)
— Acceleration amplitude for components which are designed to be attached to walls:
— 10Hzto50Hz: 1,962 m/s2 (= 0,2 gn)
— 50 Hz to 150 Hz: 4,905 m/s2 (= 0,5 gn)
Sweep rate: 1 octave per 30 min
Number of sweeps: 0,5 per axis
Number of axes: 3 mutually perpendicular
The sample shall not operate during the test as a result of the vibrations.
No deterioration or detachment of parts shall occur. The sample shall be inspected for external mechanical damage and shall be subjected to a function test in accordance with 7.16.
7.12 Impact test
NOTE This test relates to the requirements of 5.10.
Test procedure
The test apparatus shall consist of a swinging hammer incorporating a rectangular-section aluminium alloy head (Aluminium alloy АІСидЗІМд conforming to ISO 209, solution treated and precipitation treated condition) with the plane impact face chamfered to an angle of (60 ± 1)° to the horizontal, when in the striking position. A suitable apparatus is described in Figure 1 - Impact test apparatus.
The specimen shall be rigidly mounted to the apparatus by its normal mounting means and shall be positioned so that it is struck by part of the upper half of the impact face of the hammer (i.e. above the centre line), when the hammer is in the vertical position (i.e. when the hammer-head is moving horizontally). The direction of impact relative to the specimen shall be chosen as the most likely to impair the normal functioning of the specimen.
A horizontal blow shall be delivered to the specimen at an impact energy level of (1,9 ± 0,1) J by a hammer velocity of (1,5 ± 0,125) m/s.
Test apparatus
The tolerance for all dimensions in this test apparatus shall be 0,5 mm, unless otherwise specified.
The test apparatus (see Figure 1) shall consist essentially of a swinging hammer comprising a rectangular section head (striker), with a chamfered impact face, mounted on a tubular steel shaft. The hammer shall be fixed into a steel boss, which runs on ball bearings on a fixed steel shaft mounted in a rigid steel frame, so that the hammer can rotate freely around the axis of the fixed shaft. The design of the rigid frame shall be such as to allow complete rotation of the hammer assembly when the specimen is not present.
The striker shall be of dimensions 76 mm wide, 50 mm deep and 94 mm long (overall dimensions) and shall be manufactured from aluminium alloy АІСидЗіМд according to ISO 209, solution treated and precipitation treated condition. It shall have a plane impact face chamfered at (60 ± 1)° to the long axis of the head. The tubular steel shaft shall have an outside diameter of (25 ±0,1) mm with walls (1,6 ± 0,1) mm thick.
The striker shall be mounted on the shaft so that its long axis is at the radial distance of 305 mm from the axis of rotation of the assembly, the two axes being mutually perpendicular. The central boss shall be 102 mm in external diameter and 200 mm long and shall be mounted coaxially on the fixed steel pivot shaft, which is approximately 25 mm in diameter; however the precise diameter of the shaft will depend on the bearings used.
Diametrically opposite the hammer shaft are two steel counter-balanced arms, each 20 mm in external diameter and 185 mm long. These arms shall be screwed into the boss so that a length of 150 mm protrudes. A steel counter-balance weight shall be mounted on the arms so that its position can be adjusted to balance the mass of the striker and arms. On the end of the central boss shall be mounted a 12 mm wide and 150 mm diameter aluminium alloy pulley and round this an inextensible cable is wound, one end being fixed to the pulley. The other end of the cable shall support the operating weight.
The rigid frame shall also support the mounting board on which the specimen is mounted by its normal fixings. The mounting board shall be adjustable vertically so that the upper half of the impact face of the hammer will strike the specimen when the hammer is moving horizontally, as shown in Figure 1.
To operate the apparatus the position of the specimen and the mounting board shall be first adjusted as shown in Figure 1 and the mounting board shall then be secured rigidly to the frame. The hammer assembly shall then be balanced carefully by adjustment of the counter-balance weight with the operating weight removed. The hammer arm shall then be drawn back to the horizontal position ready for release and the operating weight is reinstated. On release of the assembly the operating weight will spin the hammer and arm through an angle of Зтс/2 radians to strike the specimen. The mass of the operating weight to produce the required impact energy of 1,9 J equals (0,388/Зтгг) kg where r is the effective radius of the pulley in metres. This equals approximately 0,55 kg for a pulley radius of 75 mm.
As a hammer velocity at impact of (1,5 ± 0,125) m/s is specified, the mass of the hammer head will need to be reduced by drilling the back face sufficiently to obtain this velocity. It is estimated that a head of mass of about 0,79 kg will be required to obtain the specified velocity, but this will have to be determined by trial and error.
The sample shall be inspected for external mechanical damage and shall be subjected to a Function test in accordance with 7.16.
Dimensions in mm
1 |
mounting board |
5 |
270° angle of movement |
9 |
boss |
2 |
specimen |
6 |
cord |
10 |
counter-balance arms |
3 |
striker |
7 |
operating weight |
11 |
ball bearings |
4 |
striker shaft |
8 |
counter-balance weight |
12 |
pulley |