Э. д. с. вихретокового преобразователя начальная 3

Э. д. с. вносимая 4

Э. д. с. начальная 3

Э. д. с. холостого хода 3

Эффект зазора при вихретоковом контроле 64

Эффект краевой при вихретоковом контроле 63

Эффект скоростной при вихретоковом контроле 65


Absolute eddy current probe 51

Absolute method of eddy current nondestructive testing 30

Added electromotive force of eddy current probe 4

Added relative electromotive force of eddy current probe 5

Added resistance of eddy current probe 7

Added voltage of eddy current probe б

Amplitude method of eddy current nondestructive testing 23

Amplitude-phase method of eddy current nondestructive testing 25

Base of differential eddy current probe 53

Compensating voltage of eddy current probe 57

Compensating winding of eddy current probe 36

Complex plane of eddy current probe 8

Composite eddy current probe 49

Design lift-off of eddy current probe 38

Differential! eddy current probe 52

Differential method of eddy current nondestructive testing 32

Drive winding of eddy current probe 34

Eddy current flaw detector 61

Eddy current nondestructive testing 1

Eddy current probe 2

Eddy current probe lift-off 37

Eddy current probe signal 11

Eddy current structuroscope 60

Eddy current thickness gauge 59

Electromagnetic field panetration depth of eddy current probe 12

Encircling eddy current probe 44

Encircling external eddy current probe 45

Encircling internal eddy current probe 46

End effect at eddy current testing 23

Equivalent turn of eddy current probe winding 39

Exciting current frequency of eddy current probe 16

Exciting current of eddy current probe 1'5

Fill factor of encircling eddy current probe 47

Frequency method of eddy current nondestuctive testing 26

Generalised parameter of eddy current testing 13

Hodograph diagram of eddy current probe 9

Impedance diagram of eddy current probe 10

Initial electromotive force of eddy current probe 3

Lift-off effect at eddy current testing 54

Locality of eddy current testing 14

Measuring winding of eddy current probe 35

Modulation method of eddy current nondestructive testing 31

Multifrequency method of eddy current nondestructive testing Tl

Multiple-unit eddy current probe 56

Parametric eddy current probe 49

Phase method of eddy current nondestructive testing 24

Protection unit of eddy current probe 41

Pulse method of eddy current nondestructive testing 29

Reference voltage of eddy current probe 58

Relative base of differential eddy current probe 54

Screening eddy current probe 43

Sensitivity threshold of eddy current flaw detector 62

Sensitivity to test parameter at eddy current testing 20

Signal compensator of eddy current probe 40

Signal—to — noise ratio ot eddy current 17

Spectral method of eddy current nondestructive testing 39

Stray parameter of eddy current testing 19

Suppression at eddy current testing 21

Suppression direction at eddy current testing 22

Surface eddy current probe 42

Test parameter of eddy current testing 18

Variable-frequency method of eddy current nondestructive 28


Velocity effect at eddy current testing 65

Редактор С. И. Боборыкин
Технический редактор Г. А. Макарова
Корректор А. Г. Старостин

'Сдано в набор 16.07.80 Подп. в печ. 15.08.80 1,0 п. л. 1,11 уч.-изд. л. Тир. 12000 Цена 5 коп.

'Ордена «Знак Почета» Издательство стандартов, 123557, Москва, Новопресненский пер., 3 Калужская типография стандартов, ул. Московская, 250. Зак. 2133