C. Timing

Check that the time related characteristics of the transmitted signals are within the limits of those required by the receiving components.

C. Distortion/phase angles

Check that the impedance characteristics regarding distortion and phase angles specified for the transmission path are compatible with the values specified for the receiving component by the manufacturer under all load conditions.

C. Tolerances

Ensure that the receiving components will be able to successfully receive the data even under worst case tolerances of the transmitted data and transmission path characteristics.

C. Fault performance

If a fault, either open or short circuit, occurs on a transmission path, ensure that it will be handled as required in this document.

C. Transmission protocol(s)

Check that the data being exchanged between components on the transmission path is in a format that permits all components to effectively transmit and/or receive relevant data.

Check that there is a protocol for each transmission path that will permit all the components on the transmission path to exchange data and function as specified.

C.2.2.4 Functionality

C. General

All components connected on a transmission path should have a defined functionality that is specified in supporting documentation.

C. Received data

Check that the data received by the component is sufficient to permit it to perform as specified in the supporting documentation.

C. Transmitted data

Check that the data transmitted by the component is sufficient to permit other components on the same transmission path to perform as specified in the supporting documentation.