If the pressure equilibrium condition is not fulfilled a new estimate of mw based on the observed difference between Pzj and PZej or Pzoj and Pzoej and a new iteration shall be made.


For the calculation of the temperature and pres­sure values the relevant flue gas data characteris­ing the heating appliance shall be specified. This includes:

  • minimum, declared draught or maximum declared differential pressure of the heating appliance (Ffo/.y or%O y);

  • declared flue gas temperature of the heating appliance (tw у). ,

Both values shall be given in relation to the flue gas mass flow at various working conditions of the heating appliances (in operation, out of action). The calculated draught PWcj or differential pres­sure %oc,y°f the heating appliance shall be given for both working conditions in form of a 4th degree poly-nominal (formula 10)

/ • f • 2 r . 3 / • 4

^,=ьо+4^PM +UMRv w

P mWj J I, mWj J mWj J P mWj )

DmWcj mWcj mWcj] .

'°WOc j = с0Г —: + C2' —: + C3- —'■ + c4 • —; Па, (10a)

’ P mWj ) P mWj ) P mWj ) P mWj )

( m '/2