Al, ScQgft

This Appendix її valid for the application of cables according to HD 604 Part 6, Section A.

A2. Qbiga

The object of thia Appendix is to provide an example of recommendations for selection, storage, transport and installation of the cables specified under item A1. Scope, These recommendations are not exhaustive, others may be used.

A3. Recommendations for use

A3 J Permissible applications

The cables considered are mainly intended foe use m conventional and nuclear power generating plants.

The folcwing dasset of cables:

(if 1,2. 3 and 4 core cables having copper or aluminium conductors without metalfc coveting, (n) 2 up to 48 core cables having copper conductors without metallic coveting»

may be used inside containment of nuclear power stations when they comply with additional tests and requirements not specified here, specially to demonstrata that they are capable of performing their specified functions under accident and posvaeddent conditions.

The following class of cables.

(iiif 2, 4. 7, 8 up to 48 core cables having copper conductors and metallic anti-induction screen,

is mainly intended for use in areas where high level high-frequency disturbances are likely, for instance in the vicinity of HU equipment m standard areas of power plants and also in substations.

These cables may be laid indoors on cable trays, in troughs or In galleries. They are not normally intended for being laid m the ground. However they may be buried over a short length, in ground which cannot be saturated with water

A3.2 Environmental conditions ГI

When these cables are used in conventional or nuefear power stations, outside containment, the environmental influences to be taken into account are, under:

storage/instanation conditions,

* normal conpitions-

(•) Excerpt from 'Design and Construction Rules for Electrical Equipment of Nuclear Islands IRCC-E)' published by 'Association francaise pour fas regies do conception e< de construction de materials des chaudrires tloctro~nucl6aires. (AFCEN)'. chapter D2200A.3.2.1 Storaaejinstatalian conditions

These conditions apply to all cables in storage or in the course of lnsteHationr located outdoors and in unprotected premises

Environmental influence

Ran ge/rem arks

- Ambient air temperature: extreme values

- 25eCto + 40°C

Relative humidity

Oto 100%



A3.2.2 Normal environmental conditions toutside

These conditions apply to installed cables» whether in service or Kile, the power station being either in operation or shutdown, and are given in the table below.

Envronmontal «пгіміке

Range; Remeric»

Outside «гни

SheMercd wees

Heeled end ventilated MM*

HMied endfor coded »»<s

' Amtanc 4ЙГ ютрміиг»

. exveriM vrtrit

. meximel doily average

. •rxiudforego

2S*Cto +40*C + 30*C + 20*C

КГС to >40*C + 30*C


4 5е C io +36’C

4 30-C

+ 23*C

+ 10*C to WC + 7B*C +23* C

Rotative ГиіггйМУ

Oto 100%

Oto 100%

0 to 70%

Oto 70%






' Atrnoephenc ргмміге

as io toe кРв

«6 to 104 kPa

as id ice kP«

66 id 106 kPa

TerrperotuF* ri»* obcve •тЫепт |1iwn ihermel fMteilon and conduction)

OK inracucwtoted nr

. + 1 БК m once through or pvIidIy race culled or

. OK 'П racrculatod nr

* I &K In cnoe- rhrcugh or рлгійеу гмисчіатдй «и

. «гЭСК mtiiQh temperature ereu*

, OK io rocirculeted ait

. 4 BK m unven'itetod or venaitoted

. OK in rMirculMod AT

6Kn rightly van that rd •гем







Salt ar



Support vtration (1K . frequency EqupmwH Igeneral)

. вгтфМшк* рф , eccelwiton

10 Ю 200OH?

0 id 30 pm


10 io 200CH1

to 30 j<n

0 Jg

TO to 20Q0HJ

Ola 3tym O^Q

10 to 2D00Mi 0 <« 30 am 0-2d

Note: g *■ 10 nr s’3

(H Vibrations are constant amplitude up to the traction frequency of 67Hz and constant acceleration above that frequency.

In spect'conditioned areas, when ventilation is lost, the temperature may exceptionally rise to a maximum value of +40°Cr for a maximum one-time duration of 24 hours, once a year.A4. Raauiremanta concerning the іігічо of power cables (*)

Cables ar* sized on the fo Bowing bests;

The cable is able to carry permissible steady'State current This current which is given in the cable specification, depends on such factors as ambient temperature, cable construction and routing. This leads to a temperature rise in steady-state operation.

a The cable is capable of withstanding a faulty current which may occur, without deterioration. It sustains a conductor temperature rise appreciably higher than that occurring under continuous load- Th* temperature rise depends essecvally on the type of о able m&uiabon used. Effects of short-circuits between cable ends are not taken into account in si twig cables И is assumed that the cable is simply replaced L

a The cable does not produce an excessive voltage drop between th* power source and the load, under steady^state conations or during motor start up. The cadi* cross*s*ction is selected so that iha voltage at the motor terminals is 0.8 Un when bus voltage is at the lower Umh of th* normal rang*.

NOTE: In practice and depending on th* intended service, each cable may be sized on th* basts of only on* of the above c fit ела.

Ambient temperature is taken into account as follows:

  • as a general rule, an ambient temperature of 30*C is adopted for those cables supplying equipment which can be de-energised in th* event of a general loss of sir-conditioning which, sooner or later, leads to plant shutdown;

  • a higher temperature may be adooted for cables supplying equipment which is necessary in th* event of a general loss of ventilation and, in particular, those cables which are necessary for air-conditioning equipment;

however, overheating of cables is acceptable for short periods sine* this has only a minor effect on service life.

Ab. Separation rules between cables of different electrical types t**l

Th* purpose of the separation between cables of different electrical types is to protect the various electrical circuits from electromagnetic interference.

Th* rules described below concern al) cables.

1’1 Excerpt from 'Design and Construction Rules for Electrical Equipment of Nuclear islands (ЙСС-ЕІ' published by 'Association hanqais* pour les regies de conception et de construction des materiel $ des ch*ud4res electro nucteaires, IAECEN1' chapter С22Л2.

<••) Excerpt from (RCC-EI, chapter 07313.

The foflowing dectfical гуре в can be distinguished:

medium voltage power;

low voltage power;

urditv (telephone, intercom, public address system, lighting, etc.);

- control:


The separation criterion taken into account is the voltage level and the nature of the signals.

The routings ere normally overhead; (he following methods may be used,

AS1 Owocboad

In the same raceway, the cable trays are assigned in ths following way:

cables of different electrical types are routed on different cable trays or risers;

on horizontal or diagonal raceways, the cable trays assigned to power cables are located in the upper pan and the order of assignment of the cable trays comp ties with figure 1 ♦

the CDFitrai and low vohage power cables may run on the same 1тay in secondary raceways (tee sub-clause A7.2);

instrument cables run through enclosed troughs when a power cable (MV or LV) passes less than 1 m away;

instrument cables transmitting signals output by nuclear instrumentation system detectors, or signals of compare № level, pass through enclosed troughs These instruments cables can also transmit the HV specific to the detector power supply.

The minjmum distances to be respected between the cable trays tarrying cables of different electrical types are (see figure 21:

  • di і 0.15m, when (he cable trays are parallel and stacked;

  • d2 t 0,10m, when the cable trays cross m separate planes;

  • d3 £ O.IQm, when the cable trays are parallel on the same horizontal plane.

These distances presuppose that the instrument cables pass through endosed troughs.






MV power

IV power



InstrumentРасе Б-А*Э2 HD 504 SI; 1994 Part 5 Section A

A6> Recommendations for storage and transport

A6*1 Delivery

The distance between the outer cable layer of a filed'up cable delivery drum and the head of the flange shall be sufficiently high to avoid damage to the cable.

A6.2 Cabte-end sealing

Each cable end shall be fitted with suitable end devices to prevent ingress of humidity during storage, delivery laying

A6 3 Transport

For the transport of filled 14} cable reefs only suitable carriers shall he used.

Cable drums with flange diameters exceeding 1m have to be transported with the drum-axis in a horizontal position. The drums have to be protected against movement. Loading and unloading shall be made by suitable devices to avoid damage to the cables and the cable drums.

Filled'up cable-drums «hall be rolled onty on short distances own plain solid ground in the direction indicated The cable ends have to be tightened.

A7 Recommendations for cable laving and installation

A7 1 Pulling in and bending radius

Pulling in of cables is made either manually, or mechanically.

In the case of mechanically pulling №

pulling force is limited to 5daN/mm* for copper conductors and to 3 daN/mm1 for aluminium conductors;

for power cables, purling is dvectly everted on cores, the puling forces shall be permanently checked during the pulling m procedure.

The cables are then pulled out of their suppons and carefully arranged on them, so as to avoid cross-splicing and overlapping which may hinder good cable tray occupation.

Appropriate devices «МН be provided along cable run, and especially at angles, to avoid sheath tearing,

A cable leaving a horizontal cable tray, should as far as possAHB be removed by the bottom or in the case of a cable trough, by the side.

During pulling in procedures, the bending radius shall not f al I below the following values:

  • 20 times the outer diameter for power cables;

  • 16 times the outer diameter for measuring cables and control cables.

In a definitive situation, the bending radius shall never be less than 10 times its outer diameter.

During pulling in, fire screens shall be provtsionaMy sealed by means of pi as tic bags fitted with mineral wool. The bags shall be rearranged after each passageThe lowest permissible temperature at the cables during installation and mounting of accessories is; -10 °С for ha logon-free cables,

A7.2 Cables laid on cable travs

Cable trays are used for holding cables over their entire rune.

Two types are used, depending on the number of cables in Iha run:

  • main raceways (width & 300mm J;

  • secondary raceways (width £ 200mm 1

Mam horizontal raceways are (hose which are effectively horizontal and those inclined at an angle of less than or equal io 4SQC with ihe horizontal. They consist Of superimposed, parallel open or enclosed cable trays secured to brackets, themselves secured to posts anchored to the power station structures

Mam vertical raceways form an angle greater than 45° with the horizontal. They consist of risers featuring: either the same components as horizontal cable trays, or single o* double ladders, depengirg on whether one or both sides are to allow for cable attachment, when the raceway forms an angle of 90° with horizontal-

Secondary raceways are placed in any position required for the cable run and may be integrated with main raceways. They consist of: enclosed trays, conduits or individual fittings enablmg attachment of cables by means of dips.

A7.21 Fixria of cables General rule

On horizontal cable trays:

  • cables are laid without fixing when the inclination with respect to the horizontal is less (han 20 p;

  • cables are fixed with clips approximately every 3 m when the inclination with respect to the horizontal is between 20c and 45Q,

In vertical risers, cables ere secured approximately every metre by meant of a clip.

The beginning of changes in direction are dehned by supports I cross-pieces, brackets, etc J Ю which the cables are fixed. Moreover, the cables are secured in elbows to ensure that they remain flat

The clips used are made of class*M2 plastic, the classification of materials being defined on the basis of their reaction to fire. In outdoor areas, the plasc>c shall be resistant to sunlight.

A7.2.2 Flxlno of.cabfes ■ Special cases

Clips are made of stainless steet in ihe folowing cases.

  • In vertical risers more than 5 <n high;

  • or securing three*cable bundles of single core cables to сэЫе trays

In acktition. in three-cable bundles of single core cables, the tnree cables are held together over their entire run with stainless steel clips. The distance between the consecutive dip* is calculated во as to guarantee resistance to electrodynamic forces caused by short- circuits. The clipping together and fixation to the cable tray may be combined or independent.

Д7.3 СэЫм lard in tfouohs and aaleries

A7 3.1 Cables laid m troughs

Trough* are used in different ways depending on their capacity and th* nature of cables running in them;

They are divided into the following types'

low-capacity troughs carrying several different types of cables; the cables are laid either pn cable trays or directly on brackets 360 to 400 mm apart;

low-capacity troughs carrying a single type of cable: these cables are laid directly on the bottom of the troughs;

high-capacity troughs in which a 600 mm wide passage is provided the whole length of the cable tray

Trough routings are forbidden in rooms containing liquid fuel.

In outdoor areas, precast concrete troughs may be used, with one or more cavities per type of cable

A7.3.2 Cables laid in Pallor res

Galleries are considered to be troughs with extremely high capacity. The cable tray* with which they are fitted are the same as those specified for raceways described in sub-dause A7.2.

Cables are positioned according co the same rules as for main raceways.APPeLDiX В


Th« appropriate values of current’Carrying capacities may be determined as described in 1EC Publication 297. In either case account may be taken of the characteristics of the load

The basic operating conditions for cables n air are as follows:

  • 30° C air temperature

continuous load'BLANK PAGE’




  1. Scope 5‘B-2

  2. Additional general requirements

2*1 Identification of cores S-B*2

  1. .2 Cable marking 5*B-2

  1. Additional test requirements 5B3

  1. Cable without metallic covering

Зь 1 Code designation Б-В-7

3*2 Rated vottege 5-B-8

3-3 Construction 5B^8

ЗЛ Tests 5-B8

  1. Cables with metallic covering

    1. Code designation 5-B-8

4-2 Rated voltage 5'S’8

4-3 Construction 5-B-9

4-4 Teste 6-8-9

Tables: 1~8 5 0-10

Appendix: Guide to use 6-B-21


References are made, in this Setion В of Part 5 of HD 604, to other Peru of thia HO and to other Harmonlaatlon Documents and international Standards as follows:

HD 383 Conductors of insulated cables (Endorsing IEC 228 and 228AJ

HD 405 Teste on e tec trie cables under fire conditions

HD 505 Common test methods for insulating and sheathing materials of etoctric cables

HD 606 Electric cables : Additional test methods

IEC 754-1 Test on gases evolved during combustion of electric cables : Part 1 : Determination of the amount of halogen acid gas evolved during ihe combustion of polymeric materials taken from cables

ISO 2859 Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes

In all cases reference to another HD or international Standard imp Has the latest edition to that document.SECTION В

  1. Scoo*

Thia Motion specifies requirements for and dimensions of single core and mtihi-cor* halogen-free cables having reduced fire propagation performance.

The insulation characteristic temperature is 90°C: nevertheless in order to guarantee a 40 years life for this type of cable, the maximum continuous conductor temperature Sha! not exceed 80°C.

The maximum temperature for short-circuit condition is 2 50 °С.

This section covers the folowing classes of cable:

til Single core cables without metallic covering, having circular tinned copper conductor.

till 2j 3# 4, 7r 12, 19, 27 core cables without metallic covering having circular tinned copper conductor,

tiiil Single core screened cables, having circular tinned copper conductor.

tiv} 2, 3, 4, 7, 12, 19, 27 core screened cables, having circular tinned copper conductor.

  1. Additional General reouiremantt

The following general requirements shall be read in conjunction with those given in Part 1.

  1. Identification of cores

The cores of ■■ cables shall be identified by numbers or by colours in accordance with the foltowing sequence:

Number of cores

Core number

Core colours






Light blue-bl ack


Light blue-brown-black


Light blue-brown-black-black

Seven, twelve, nineteen.

1. 2, 3f 4


and upwards
