Модель для испытаний                                                  9

 Метод контроля                                                       87

 Метод контроля разрушающего                                          88

 Метод контроля неразрушающего                                        89

 Методика испытаний                                                   14

 Оборудование испытательное                                           17

 Образец контрольный                                                  93

 Объем контроля                                                       86

 Объем испытаний                                                      12

 Объект испытаний                                                      6

 Объект технического контроля                                         84

 Образец опытный                                                       8

 Опорный    пункт    головной         организации по                  33

 государственным испытаниям

 Организация испытательная                                            26

 Организация по государственным испытаниям продукции                  27


 Осмотр технический                                                  115

 Оценивание качества продукции                                        83

 Подразделение испытательное                                          31

 Подразделение испытательное базовое                                  32

 Полигон испытательный                                                25

 Признак контролируемый                                               91

 Программа испытаний                                                  13

 Протокол испытаний                                                   24

 Результат испытаний                                                  23

 Система испытаний                                                    19

 Система контроля                                                     94

 Система контроля автоматизированная                                  96

 Система контроля автоматическая                                      97

 Система контроля ведомственного                                      95

 Средства испытаний                                                   16

 Средство контроля                                                    90

 Условия испытаний                                                     2

 Условия испытаний нормальные                                          3

 Точка контрольная                                                    92

 Точность результатов испытаний                                       20

 Центр испытательный ведомственный                                    30

 Центр испытательный государственный                                  28

 Центр испытательный республиканский (региональный)                   29


Алфавитный указатель терминов на английском языке*


 Accelerated test                                                     60

 Acceptance inspection                                               102

 Acceptance test                                                      44

 Accuracy of test results                                             20

 Amount of inspection                                                 86

 Approval of test procedure*                                          15

 Approval test                                                        47

 Assessment of product quality                                        83

 Automated control system                                             96

 Automatic control system                                             97

 Base testing division of head organization                           32

 Bench test                                                           54

 Biological test                                                      70

 Casual inspection**                                                 106

 Category of test                                                      5

 Certification of test equipment*                                     18

 Certification   of   testing      organizations and                  34


 Certification test                                                   52

 Characteristic under control                                         91

 Check test                                                           36

 Chemical test                                                        69

 Comparative test                                                     37

 Continuous inspection                                               107

 Control by measurement                                              111

 Departmental management system                                       95

 Departmental test                                                    41

 Departmental testing centre                                          30

 Destructive inspection                                              109

 Destructive inspection method                                        88

 Destructive test                                                     72

 Determinative test                                                   38

 Developmental test                                                   42

 Durability test                                                      76

 Electric test                                                        67

 Electromagnetic test                                                 66

 Environmental test                                                   63

 Evaluation test*                                                     51

 Extent of test                                                       12

 Field inspection                                                     99

 Field test                                                           58

 Functional test                                                      75

 Ground test                                                          55

 Incoming inspection                                                 100

 In-process test*                                                     80

 Inspection                                                           81

 100% inspection                                                     104

 Inspection check-up                                                 103

 Inspection means                                                     90

 Inspection method                                                    87

 Inspection system                                                    94

 Inspection test                                                      49

 Interdepartmental test                                               40

 Investigation test                                                   35

 Item under inspection                                                84

 Item under test                                                       6

 Laboratory test                                                      53

 Magnetic test                                                        68

 Manufacturing supervision                                            98

 Marginal test                                                        79

 Mechanical test                                                      62

 Mode of inspection                                                   85

 Mode of test                                                          4

 Nondestructive inspection                                           110

 Nondestructive inspection method                                     89

 Nondestructive test                                                  71

 Normal test                                                          59

 Normal test conditions                                                3

 Operational inspection                                              101

 Organoleptic inspection                                             113

 Periodical inspection                                               108

 Periodical test                                                      48

 Pilot sample                                                          8

 Point of inspection                                                  92

 Predelivery test*                                                    46

 Preliminary test                                                     43

 Product quality assessment                                           83

 Product quality inspection                                           82

 Qualification test                                                   45

 Radiation test                                                       65

 Reduced test                                                         61

 Reference specimen                                                   93

 Registration control**                                              112

 Reliability test                                                     76

 Reproducibility of test methods and results                          21

 Republican (regional) testing centre**                               29

 Safety test                                                          77

 Sampling inspection                                                 105

 Stability test*                                                      74

 State test                                                           39

 State testing centre                                                 28

 Strength test                                                        73

 Technical check-up*                                                 115

 Test                                                                  1

 Test conditions                                                       2

 Test data                                                            22

 Test equipment                                                       17

 Test means                                                           16

 Test method                                                          11

 Test mock-up                                                         10

 Test model                                                            9

 Test procedure                                                       14

 Test program                                                         13

 Test report                                                          24

 Test result                                                          23

 Test specimen                                                         7

 Test system                                                          19

 Test with modelling                                                  57

 Testing division                                                     31

 Testing (proving) ground                                             25

 Testing organization                                                 26

 Testing station accredited by head organization                      33

 Thermal test                                                         64

 Transportability test                                                78

 Type test**                                                          50

 Verification test in site*                                           56

 Visual inspection                                                   114



* Термины, отмеченные одной звездочкой (*), являются приближенными эквивалентами; термины, отмеченные двумя звездочками (**), следует рассматривать как перевод; термины без обозначений являются полными эквивалентами.


Алфавитный указатель терминов на французском языке *


 Agrement des organismes et des unites d'essais                       34

 Audit*                                                              103

 Caractere a controler                                                91

 Categorie d'essais                                                    5

 Centre national d'essais                                             28

 Centre republicain (regional) d'essais                               29

 Centre sectoriel d'essais                                            30

 Certification de la procedure d'essais                               15

 Certification de Fequipement d'essais                                18

 Conditions d'essais                                                   2

 Conditions d'essais normales                                          3

 Controle a 100%                                                     104

 Controle a l'entree                                                 100

 Controle continu                                                    107

 Controle de fabrication                                              98

 Controle de la qualite des produits                                  82

 Controle de reception                                               102

 Controle des operations*                                            101

 Controle destructif                                                 109

 Controle en utilisation                                              99

 Controle non-destructif                                             110

 Controle organoleptique                                             113

 Controle par echantillonnage                                        105

 Controle par enregistrement                                         112

 Controle par mesures                                                111